Happy Holidays!
Dear Reader,
Thank you for subscribing to Good Signal. We are grateful for your support in this journey. Good Signal was started with a desire to provide insights into the alternative protein sector. Through our first several articles, we examined the industry from various angles to better understand its past, present, and future. As the sector progresses, we see a growing ecosystem – entrepreneurs, investors, food companies, universities, nonprofits, governments, and countless other stakeholders – who are contributing to its development. Each has a crucial role to play. With end of the year upcoming, in addition to a welcome break, the holidays offer an opportunity for deeper reflection.
Alternative proteins are a tiny sector today, significantly less than 0.1% of global GDP. Yet, we find ourselves working on issues that comprise 15% of global warming, 30% of our land and water usage and are the #1 cause of deforestation and species extinction, not to mention the significant impact on human health and animal welfare. Good Startup, whose work is the genesis of Good Signal, has invested in 24 companies that want to change the world. In making these investments, the team continually interacts with entrepreneurs who don’t just want to make the world better – they have dedicated their lives to it. Investors strive to make a difference too, not just for their companies, but for the planet. We continue to meet amazing people who both inspire and educate us. In fact, it happens so routinely that it’s easy to take it for granted. Imagine that!
We feel privileged to be part of this sector and work together with other stakeholders to address these challenges. We would be remiss if we let the holiday period pass without acknowledging the incredible effort by the individuals who make up this industry to make the world better. This year reminded us that the path to our goals will not be easy. Despite our daily challenges, we must remember that the work we’re doing is important. In the movie American President, the Chief of Staff says to the U.S. President during a particularly dark moment, “You only fight the fights you can win? You fight the fights that need fighting!” We owe it to ourselves and to the inhabitants of this planet long after we’re gone to keep up this fight. Underlying all the chaos that comprises our daily lives, we all share a hope for brighter days ahead. We have a responsibility to keep the faith for those that don’t yet see the promise of a better future. However you have decided to participate in this mission, we hope you will keep the faith too.
Happy holidays! We wish you the best for 2023.
– The Good Signal Team